Evolution and Memes – German Translation
weil Meme selbst Replikatoren sind, die einer Selektion unterzogen werden, und sobald genug Meme vorhanden sind, um eine memetische Konkurrenz in Gang zu setzen, beginnt die Koevolution von Memen und…
Evolution and Memes – German Translation
weil Meme selbst Replikatoren sind, die einer Selektion unterzogen werden, und sobald genug Meme vorhanden sind, um eine memetische Konkurrenz in Gang zu setzen, beginnt die Koevolution von Memen und…
I love you” or even shake hands, you are dealing in memes. Memetics is all about why some memes spread and others do not. The greatest proponent of memetics since…
popular. Memetics deals a terrible blow to the supremacy of self. The Future for Memes The memes are out! For most of human history memes have evolved alongside genes. They…
dismantling meme-complexes (though I am sure there are others). Of course these systems are memes themselves but they are, if you like, meme-disinfectants, meme-eating memes, or “meme-complex destroying meme-complexes”. These…
As memes evolve in one direction or another, according to the outcome of memetic selection and the kinds of memes the meme-fountains happen to be best at propagating, survival increasingly…
Evolution and Memes: The human brain as a selective imitation device
showed how mutually assisting memes will group together into co-adapted meme complexes (or memeplexes) often propagating themselves at the expense of their hosts. Dennett subsequently used the concept of memes…
Memetics does provide a useful way of understanding cultural evolution
is fundamentally different from memetics. Do memes have memotypes? In asking “what counts as a meme” I listed many widely differing examples, and these raise another important question; are memes…
Gene and Meme (For The Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior, 3rd Edition, 2024)
problem whether memes have to be considered as units or not. Chvaja (2020) even claims that memetics has failed because memeticists are biased towards working on the ontology of meme…
of the classic objections to memetics. Criticisms of memetics Do memes even exist? McGrath (2005) complains that there is “no direct evidence for the existence of ‘memes’ themselves” (p. 121),…
Die Tyrannei der Meme – German Translation
kein Zufall. In der Tat. Denn auch Meme unterliegen der Evolution. Gene wie Meme sind „Replikatoren“ – Einheiten der Weitergabe, die drei Bedingungen erfüllen müssen: Sie müssen kopiert werden können;…