Seeing Myself (2017)

When I wrote “Beyond the body” in 1992 it was described as “the definitive text on out-of-body experiences”, and in my new book, Seeing Myself: the new science of out-of-body experiences (2017) I uncover the important advances made in the 21st century, when everything changed for OBEs

Quite by accident, a Swiss neurosurgeon discovered the spot in the brain that can induce and even control an OBE. The availability of fMRI scanning and transcranial magnetic stimulation can now unravel the truth and virtual reality headsets can allow convincing out-of-body illusions to be induced. In just a few years the OBE has moved from hovering at the very fringes of scientific acceptability to making a valuable contribution to the mysteries of the self and consciousness.

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Blackmore, S. 2017 Seeing Myself: The new science of out-of-body experiences, London, Robinson ISBN-10:1472137361