Improved Index
The index in the Hodder edition was inadequate. So I have completely redone it for the OUP edition. The pagination is the same, so the index can be used for both.
absorption 286, 356, 397, 399
access consciousness 24, 48, 269 (see also phenomenal consciousness)
accessibility 73
acetylcholine 332, 341
acupuncture 387–8
adaptation 144, 146
afterlife hypothesis 362
agency 118, 123–37, 124–5, 127, 134
Aglioti S. 42
agnosia 41
alcohol 14, 258, 316, 322, 328, 332
algorithm 33, 184
alien abduction 101, 304, 314–15, 348
alien hand 126
Alpert, R. 336, 367
alpha rhythm 398
altered state of consciousness 18, 298, 306, 321–37, 372, 385, 388, 396, 399
definition of 321–4, 345, 359
altruism 145–6
Alzheimer’s disease 259
American Sign Language 171, 177
amnesia 277, 258–60
anterograde 258
retrograde 258
source 273
amphetamine 311, 326–8
amygdala 278
anaesthesia 229–31, 276–7
anaesthetic 329–31
Analytical Engine 183, 203
anarchic hand 126
anatta (no-self) 95, 407, 411-3
angels 302, 365
consciousness 11, 22, 104, 116, 167–79
learning 17
suffering 169–70, 177
anosagnosia 260
anoxia 365
anterior cingulate 125, 126, 232
anterior commissure 103, 235
anthropology 314–18
antidepressants 329
antipsychotics 329
apparition 291
archetype 314
Aristotle 114
arousal 350, 353, 393–4
in ASCs 325–6
artificial consciousness (AC) 182, 212
artificial intelligence (AI), 47, 185
good old fashioned (GOFAI) 185, 189, 191, 204, 218
rule and symbol 185
strong 186, 196, 204–6
weak 186
artificial neural network 187, 230
as if 182, 196, 317, 413-4
belief 384
consciousness 186, 198, 215, 217
creativity 203
intentionality 172, 205–6, 215, 384, 414
self 120, 413
Astonishing Hypothesis 73–4
astral body 223, 357
astral projection 348, 356–7, 396
atropine 317
attention 14-5, 51-6, 88–91, 245, 262, 324–5, 341, 388-9
as easy problem 20, 33
directed by consciousness 49, 51, 53-6
selective 56
spotlight of 48, 51-3, 71–2, 74, 116, 117
training of 16, 372, 376, 386, 388-91, 397, 403
in Cartesian Theatre 65, 74–6, 98, 119–20, 191, 217
in Global Workspace 71–2
auditory cortex 268
auras 317–19
Austin, J.H. 399
autobiographical memory 72, 116–17, 172, 260, 306
autoganzfeld 298
automation 273
automatisation 44
automaton 11, 20, 37, 166, 169, 182–3, 264
autopoiesis 378
awakening 408, 410
ayahuasca 318, 333
Baars, B. (Profile 9, p. 116) 167, 273, 279, 379-80
and Global Workspace theory 48-9, 71-3, 117-8
Baba Ram Dass (Richard Alpert) 336
Babbage, C. 183, 203
Bach-y-Rita, P. 266
backwards referral 59-61, 131
Bagchi, B.K. 398
Balzac H. 332
barbiturates 311, 328
Barlow, H. 156–7
bat 22, 32, 379
Batchelor, S. 393–402
Baudelaire, C. 332
Beauchamp, C. 99–100
behaviourism 11, 16–18, 20, 68, 154, 275, 291
belief 47, 111, 172, 215, 383
as if 384
in paranormal 322, 356
belladonna 318
benign user illusion 76, 165
Bentall, R. 307
Berger, H. 228
Berkeley, G. 9, 96
Berry, D. 281
beta-carboline 318
bicameral mind 160
binding 74, 231, 244-8
dynamic 245
feature 53
static 245
visual 244-6
binding problem 243, 253
binocular rivalry 233, 253
biofeedback 44, 49
biological naturalism 198, 202
Bisiach, E. 261
Blake, W. 334
Blanke, O. 360–1
blind spot 81–4, 265
blindness 263–70, 309, 343
blindsight 156, 249, 263–70, 274, 279
super 266-270
blink 87–91, 258, 315
Block, N. 24, 269
body image 66, 117, 230, 325
distortion of 356, 359, 360
Boole, G. 184
bot 223
Bourne, A. 97–8
Braid, J. 344
brain damage 249, 251, 257–70
brain size 159, 164, 168, 173, 176
brain-mind space 341, 342
brainstem 117, 228, 237, 238, 252, 339, 390
brain-teasers 284
use in meditation 387, 390–1, 393
Breazeal, C.L. 212–14
Brentano, F. 16
Broadbent, D. 281
Broca, P. 252
Broca’s area 125, 252
Brooks, R.A. (Profile 15, p. 212), 190–1, 202, 221
Bucke, R.M. 365
Buddha (Profile 27, p 402), 95, 401–4, 411, 412
Buddhism 361, 386, 388, 391, 397, 401–14
Tibetan 391, 402, 403
Zen 2, 209, 330, 366, 368, 388, 390, 392, 397–400
bundle theory (see also ego theory) 94–6, 98, 102, 107, 109, 221, 412
caloric fluid 8
Calvin, W.H. 162, 380
Campbell, D.T. 141
candle flame 121, 410
cannabis 311, 322, 325, 331, 332–4
Cardiac arrest 362
Carington, W. 293
Carpenter, B. 45
Cartesian (see also Descartes)
coordinates 12
dualism 11, 12, 65, 98
materialism 65–8, 74-5, 82, 248, 249, 254, 264, 279
theatre 65–77, 109, 113, 119, 132, 213, 217, 240, 249, 261, 264, 270, 279, 344, 347
Castaneda, C. 316–19
Castiello, U. 39–40
causal paradox 37–8
Census of Hallucinations 308
central meaner 74, 120, 191, 213
centre of gravity 67, 114, 119, 384
centre of narrative gravity 75, 119, 120–1, 165, 219-20
cetaceans 175
C-fibres 237
chakra 387–8, 406
Chalmers, D. (Profile 2, p. 28), 7, 27–33, 150, 206, 216, 372-4, 380
and hard problem 19-21, 31-3, 377
and zombies 28-31, 150
change blindness 2, 87–8, 168, 191
chaos theory 188
Charcot, J. 344
Charles Bonnet syndrome 309
Charles II 85
Cheesman, J. 276
Cheney, D.L. 173–4
chess 183, 192–5, 283
chimpanzee 106, 125, 169–71, 177
culture in 175
social behaviour in 154, 157
Chinese room 186, 198, 204–6, 215–16, 219
chloroform 229, 329
Christianity 95, 148, 364, 366, 386, 391, 399
Churchland, P.S. (Profile 3, p. 36), 8, 30, 33, 34, 60, 159, 209, 374, 379-80
cingulate cortex 126, 232, 237
clairvoyance 292–3
travelling 356–7
Clark, A. 189, 374
Clarke, C.J.S. 33
Claxton, G. 136, 160, 282, 283, 406, 408
Cloud chamber 358
Club des Haschischins 332
cocaine 326–7
COG 66, 202, 212
Cohen, D. 18
coincidences 300–1
Coleridge, S.T. 272
collapse of the wave function 208, 300
collective unconscious 314
colour 8, 24, 26–8, 69, 244–9
in hallucinations 311–12, 330–1
phi phenomenon 62
pop out 56
qualia 27, 70, 84-5, 149, 156, 236, 266
vision 41, 26-28, 69-70, 73-4
coma 228
commentary-key 265, 268
computational functionalism 187–8, 196
computational theory of mind 185
Conan Doyle, A. 292
classical 17, 258
operant 17
confabulation 104-5, 260, 345
connectionism 187, 202, 205, 219
conscie (contrasted with zombie) 149–50
conscious inessentialism 29–31, 148–50, 199, 238, 267, 375
access v. phenomenal 24, 47–8, 73
as if 186, 198, 215, 217
co- 100
contents of (‘in’ consciousness) 43, 53, 65-6, 70-1, 75, 80, 191, 216, 236, 240, 255, 279, 284
core 172, 260
cosmic 365
definition of 2, 14, 198
dual 104
enactive theories of 254–5
extended 172, 260
evolution of 139, 147–65, 264
field of 396
function of 53, 72, 152–60, 246, 375
levels of 326
multiple 94
as mystery 8, 18, 144, 151, 209–10, 226–7, 232, 236
power of 36, 287, 289, 297, 303, 355
timing of consciousness 57–63, 128–32, 208–10, 378
unity of 208–9, 396
contents of consciousness 43, 53, 65-6, 70-1, 75, 80, 191, 216, 236, 240, 255, 279, 284
contrastive analysis 72, 116, 117, 273,
copy-me instruction 164
core consciousness 172, 260
corpus callosum 103, 126
correlation v. cause 227–8, 237, 278, 300, 349
Cotterill, R.M.J. 232, 254
Cowey, A. 269
Craik, K. 185
creativity 162–3, 188, 272–3, 284, 286, 333, 343, 392, 396
real v. as if 203
Crick, F. (Profile 16, p 232) 53, 63, 379-80
astonishing hypothesis 73
binding 33-4, 73-4, 246-8
dreaming 343
NCCs 81, 231-2, 236
qualia 34, 236
crisis apparition 348
Crook, J. 406, 407, 414
Crookes, W. 290
Csikszentmihalyi, M. 165, 283, 371
cutaneous rabbit 61, 62
Cytowic, R.E. 251
D’Aquili, E. 399
Damasio, A. (Profile 18, p 260), 116, 172, 231, 238–9, 260, 285
Daneman, M. 278
Darwin machine 162
Darwin, C. 11, 146, 166, 170, 175
Darwin, E. 140, 141, 218
Darwinism 140–6, 291
universal 144, 160–3
datura (Solanaceae Datura) 317
Davy, H. 329–30
Dawkins, M.S. (Profile 12, p. 170) 169
Dawkins, R. (Profile 10, p. 144) 34, 140, 155, 162–5
de Chardin, T. 143
de Mille, R. 318
De Quincey, T. 329
Deacon, T. 159
deafness 310
death 5, 319, 356–65, 368, 399
death-bed visions 361, 363
deautomatisation 390
deception 173
Dehaene, S. 278
Deikman, A.J. 390
Delage, Y. 348
of blindness (Anton’s syndrome) 260–1
of paralysis 260–1
Dennett, D.C. (Profile 5, p. 66), 5, 8, 106, 115, 156, 168, 172, 176, 220, 266, 372, 374–5, 380, 382-4
AI 191, 196, 206, 213
hard problem 34-5
Cartesian theatre 65–77
Cartesian materialism 65-8, 82, 249
dreaming 346
dualism 14, 60, 65
free will 132
memes 120, 164–5
multiple drafts 63, 74-7, 255–6
qualia 25-6
self 118–22
time 62, 68, 131–2
tower of generate and test 161
zombies 30-1, 150–1
depersonalisation 117, 395
Depraz, N. 377
depression 327, 362, 365, 395, 396
derealisation 395
Descartes, R. (Profile 1, p. 12), 11, 37, 45, 68, 80, 114, 166, 182, 192, 194, 232, 246 (see also Cartesian)
design 139–41
by natural selection 140–1
determinism 123
dharma 402, 405
dice 300
Difference engine 183
digitisation 219
dimethoxytryptamine (DMT) 318, 332, 356
discourse 102, 120, 122
disinhibition 310, 365
displacement effect 293
dissociation 97-101, 230, 330, 355
dissociative anaesthetics 230, 330
dissociative identity disorder (DID) (see also multiple personality) 101
distant mental influence on living systems (DMILS) 298
Dobzhansky, T. 141
Dogen Zenji 388
dolphin 171, 175–6, 178, 343
Donald, M. 159
doorway test for aura vision 317, 319
dopamine 327, 329, 332
dorsal stream 41–3, 55, 60, 244, 246, 268–9
dream control 349
dreams 191, 306, 322, 326, 338–53
in the blind 267
ESP in 295-6, 301
evolution of 343
insight in 12, 348
in zombies 30–1
logic in 340
lucid 293, 322, 327, 338, 345, 347, 349–53, 356, 359
in multiple personality 100
reading in 85
driving 44, 70–6, 259, 356
drugs 306, 310, 315–19, 321–37, 382
dual aspect theory 12, 33
dual consciousness 104
dualism 9–14, 25, 27, 60, 156, 200, 237, 243–4, 300, 330, 357–8, 367–8, 372, 379-80, 411, 414
and ego theory 96, 107
Cartesian 11-2, 37
double 130
property 12, 202
substance 12–13, 45, 96
dualist interactionism 13, 45–6, 96, 129–30
dying brain hypothesis 364–5
dynamic core 161–2, 217, 251–4, 253–4, 342
easy problems 19, 20, 28, 32, 34, 240
Eccles, J.C. (Profile 17, p 244), 13, 46, 60, 96, 130, 132, 243–4
ecstasy 322
ectoplasm 290
Edelman, G.M. 161–2, 217, 251, 342, 380
ego 15, 94, 98, 102, 359, 363
ego theory (see also bundle theory) 95–6, 107–8, 109, 221
Einstein, A. 26, 362, 366
electroencephalogram (EEG) 228, 339, 364, 393, 398
eliminative materialism 25, 46, 159, 169, 226, 290–1, 324
embodied cognition 92, 188, 202, 378
emergence 189, 219, 378
emergent phenomenon 18, 58, 98, 159
emergent property 107, 154, 158, 189-90
emotion 45, 74, 162, 166, 177, 285, 383
in ASC 322, 325, 333, 340, 348, 361, 365
in decision making 125, 182, 260
in machines 213-4
in phenomenology 376
in split brain 104
Descartes and 37
empathogen 328
empathy 327
emptiness 412
enactive cognition 92, 189–91, 254, 378
encephalin 365
enchanted loom (brain as) 244
endorphin 365, 387
Engel, A. 247–8
Engler, J. 407
enlightenment 403, 406, 407, 413
experiences (kensho) 397
epilepsy 98, 103, 247, 252, 259, 310, 360, 396, 399
epiphenomenalism 11, 25, 31, 46–7, 148–50, 236, 342
epiphenomenon 17, 18, 72, 172, 342
epoché 16, 375–7
ether 329–30
event related potential (ERP) 278
evoked potential 59–61, 228
evolution 120, 139–79, 246
by natural selection 11
conscious 143, 410
directed 142–4
of consciousness 139, 147–65, 342
of dreams 342–3
evolutionary algorithm 141, 161–3, 188, 203, 286–7
evolutionary psychology 146, 152, 156
exceptional human experience (EHE) 354–5
existentialism 15
experimenter effect 288, 295
psi-mediated 295
explanatory gap 19–21, 226
extrasensory perception (ESP) 2, 291–2, 295–8, 302, 358
eye movements 55, 91–2, 244, 339, 350–1
face area 238-9, 312
face recognition 106, 235, 278
facial expression 174, 249, 265
faith-healing 368
false awakening 327, 348
false memory 101, 305–6
fantasy proneness 286, 314–15
Faraday, M. 133, 135, 290
Farthing, W. 323, 395, 396
feature binding 53, 247
feature integration theory 245
Fechner, G. 15
Fenwick, P. (Profile 26, p 396), 363, 398, 399, 413
figment 70, 85
figure-ground segregation 247
filling-in 81–7, 115–16, 261
first person
methods 317–84
ontology 373
perspective 37, 48
practice 388
science 371–84
view 314, 374
Flanagan, O. 148, 150, 342, 380
Fletcher, P. 267
Flohr, H. 230
flow 283–4, 371
in hypnagogic hallucinations 313–14
with drugs 317–18, 331
in dreams 347, 349–50, 359
Vedic 396–7
form constants 310–12, 313, 316
Four Noble Truths 401, 403, 404
fovea 55
Fox sisters 216
Fox, O. 348
Franklin, S. 216
fraud 98, 294–5, 297
free will 52, 54, 73, 104, 123–37, 160, 165, 188, 208, 411, 413, 414
Freud, S. 15, 233, 327, 343
Frith, C.D. 126
frog 168
frontal cortex 66, 116, 125, 235
frontal lobe 232, 258, 260
fugue 98, 117, 346
functional MRI (fMRI) 229, 234, 237, 265, 278, 312
functionalism 9, 47–8, 149, 151, 159, 196, 198–9, 221, 264, 266–7, 324, 364
computational 187–8, 196
fusiform gyrus 235, 251
Gage, P. 126
Gallup, G.G. 170–2
Galton, F. 251
ganzfeld 297, 298–9, 302
gap, explanatory 18–21, 49, 226
gaps in experience 118–19, 121, 168, 261
Gardner, A. & B. 177
Gautama, S. (Buddha) 401, 402
Gazzaniga, M.S. 98–107, 117
Geller, U. 298
gene 144–7, 160
genotype 143
ghost in the machine 13, 116, 119, 156
ghosts 304, 306-7, 314
Gibson, J.J. 92
Gillett, G. 102
global synchrony 252
Global Workspace Theory (GWT) 48-9, 71–3, 116–17, 216, 222, 240, 245, 248, 253
God 5, 12, 140, 142, 148, 200, 355, 364, 366, 367, 391, 413
Gödel’s theorem 207
gods 316, 318
Good Friday experiment 367
good old fashioned artificial intelligence (GOFAI) 218
Goodale, M.A. 41–3, 60, 268, 270
gossip 157
Gould, S.J. 144, 145
grand illusion 78–92, 179, 217, 236, 411
great chain of being 142–3
Greeks 182
Green, C.E. 348
Greenfield, S. 153, 168
Gregory, R.L. 15, 85–130, 330
Grey Walter, W. 134, 190, 212
Greyson, B. 361, 362
Haggard, P. 130-1
Hakuin 392
Hall, J.A. 340
hallucination 160, 293, 306–19, 332, 345
collective 291
definition of 306-8
drug induced 327, 335–6
hypnagogic 307, 310, 313, 348
hypnopompic 313
perceptual release theory of 309
pseudo v true 307, 312
Hameroff, S.R. 33, 208–10, 214, 230
alien 126
anarchic 126
phantom 238-9
rubber 240
hard problem 3, 18–21, 28, 63, 69, 210, 226–7, 240, 254, 264, 312, 374, 377, 404, 414
origin of term 19, 20
responses to 31-5
Harding, D.E. 408, 410
Hardy, A. 366
harmaline 318
Harnad, S. 300
Harré, R. 102
hashish 14, 331, 332
haunting 291
Hauser, M. 171
headless way 409
healing 391
Hearne, K. 350, 352
heaven 318, 336, 365, 392
health inessentialism 150–1
Hebb, D.O. 230, 247
Heidegger, M. 375
hell 318
hellish experience 361
Helmholz, H.L.F. von. 15, 52, 56
hemianopia 263
hemifield neglect 260–3
hemisphere 261
left 103–8, 399
right 103–8, 399
Hering, K.E.K. 52
Hero of Alexandria 182
heroin 329
heterophenomenology 375, 382–4
Heyes, C.M. 172
higher consciousness 143, 253
higher order perception theories (HOP) 47
higher order thought theories (HOT) 47, 230, 270
Hilgard, E.R. (Profile 23, p. 346), 101, 256, 322
Hinduism 95, 365, 386, 391
hippocampus 252, 259
Hobbes, T. 155
Hobson, J.A. 341–4, 346, 349
Hodgson, R. 97–8, 102
Hodgson, S. 37
Hoffman, A. 335
Hofstadter, D.R. 28, 207, 374, 409
Holmes, D.S. 392–4, 395
holographic reality 363
Holt, J. 269
homo habilis 157
homunculus 69, 115, 117, 191, 240, 279
Honorton, C. 298
Hubbard, B.M. 251
Hui Neng 404, 409
Hume, D. (Profile 7, p. 96) 64, 96, 98, 109, 114–15, 118, 290
Humphrey, N. (Profile 11, p. 156) 148, 151, 153–8, 173, 190, 240, 254, 342
Humphreys, C. 403, 404
Hurley, S. 254
Husserl, E. 15, 16, 375, 377, 378
Hut, P. 375, 377
Huxley, A. 334
Huxley, J. 143
Huxley, T.H. 11, 37, 142
Hyman, R. 298
hypnagogic hallucinations 307, 310, 313, 348
hypnopompic hallucinations 313
hypnosis 277, 344–5, 346
as ASC 322, 325, 344-5
and dissociation 97–100, 256
and paranormal 291, 293, 298
regression 354
hypnotisability 286, 308, 315, 356
hystories 101
Id 15
idealism 9, 25, 330
identity theory 9, 224, 237
ideo-motor action 123
Ikkyu 388
illusion 92, 385, 399, 405, 406, 410-4
agency as 124–5, 413
benign user 76
consciousness as 177, 411-2
definition of 78–9, 125, 132, 136-7, 306
free will as 123, 129–37, 165, 411, 413
grand 78–92, 179, 217, 236, 411
of immanence 86
seeing through the 399, 403-6, 412
self as 76, 98, 116, 122, 165, 368, 402, 411-4
visual 15, 42, 78–9, 306
imagery 18, 68, 286, 324, 343
viewpoints in 360
imagination 314–17
imitation 162, 173–8, 192, 219–20
immortality 365, 368
immune system 333, 378
inattentional blindness 53, 88–90, 168
incubation 280, 284
incubus (plural incubi) 314–15
ineffability 354, 366–7, 370, 374, 382
conscious 29–31, 148–50, 199, 238, 267, 375
health 150–1
inferior temporal cortex (IT) 234
inner eye 47, 154, 156, 248
insight 343, 368, 377, 382, 385, 399, 400
in drug experiences 333, 336
intelligence 392
animal 169, 179
Machiavellian 176
in multiple personality 101
social 173
intention 16
intentional stance 172, 212, 383, 414
intentionality 16, 205–6, 212, 215, 383
as if 172, 205–6, 215, 384
internet 121–3
interpreter 98, 104, 106, 117
introspection 156–7, 370
introspectionism 16–18
intuition 284–5, 374, 378
intuition pump 25, 28
Islam 95, 148, 386
Jackendoff, R. 236, 380
Jackson, F. 27
Jackson, H. 309
James, W. (profile 4, p 52) 11, 14–20, 37, 157, 232, 242, 278
ASCs 321, 323, 329-30, 337
attention 51
evolution 152
gaps in experience 81, 261
mind-body problem 18-20, 32, 232
religious experience 330, 354, 366
self 97-8, 102, 104, 112–19
species present 52, 378
stream of consciousness 74, 80, 115, 118, 370
unity 232, 242, 330
will 123, 124, 132, 135
Jaynes, J. 153, 160
Jesus 365
jimson weed (Datura) 317
Johnson, S. 125
Joycean machine 165, 187
Judaism 386, 391
Jung, C. 310, 359
Kabat-Zinn, J. 407
Kammann, R. 296
Kant, I. 114
Kanwisher, N. 43, 236
karma 413
Kasparov, G. 193
Kemplen, W. von 183
kensho experience 397
Kepler, J. 80
ketamine 230–1, 330–1, 356
Kihlstrom, J.F. 277
Kirlian photography 319
Kismet 213–14
Klüver, H. 310
koan 392-3, 409
Koch, C. 33, 232, 236, 246–7, 379-80
Korsakoff’s syndrome 258
Kubla Khan 272
Kummer, H. 173
Kurzweil, R. 209, 221
LaBerge, S. 350–3
Lamarck, J.B. 142
Lamarckian inheritance 142–4
language 17, 159, 164, 166–7, 176–8, 204–6, 218–20, 249, 252–3, 399
evolution of 157
human 343
instinct 177
lateral geniculate nucleus 63, 244, 264–5
learning 18, 162, 238, 281 (see also conditioning)
procedural 259
social 175
Leary, T. 334, 367
Leibniz G. von 182
Lem, S. 200
Leonardo da Vinci 80
Levin, D.T. 89–91
Levine, J. 43
Levine, S. 373
levitation 290, 298, 302, 396
Lewicki, P. 281–3
Libet, B. 57, 58–63, 73, 127–32, 208, 252
life 7, 18, 84, 153
life after death 5, 111, 291, 302, 322, 355, 363
life force 159 (see also vital spirit)
limbic system 116, 365
Locke, J. 96, 114
Lodge, D. 121
trance 345
in dreams 340–1
Logothetis, N.K. 234
Lovelace, A. 203
lucid dream 293, 322, 327, 338, 345, 347, 349–53, 356, 359
Lumer, E.D. 234
Luria, A.R. 250, 259
Lyell, C. 140
lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) 307, 311, 322, 332, 335–6, 356, 367
Machiavelli, N. 173
Machiavellian Hypothesis 173, 176
intelligence 176
Mack, A. 53, 88
MacKay, D. 98, 104–8, 116, 117, 232
Macphail, E.M. 145–9, 166–7, 238
magic difference 45, 60, 70–1, 80, 191, 232, 253, 264, 279, 347
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 229
functional (fMRI) 229, 234, 237, 265, 278, 312
Maharishi effect 386, 396
Malthus, T. 140
mamillary bodies 258
mantra 391, 406
maps of states of consciousness 326–7, 334, 341–2
Marcel, A.J. 276
marijuana – see cannabis
Marks, D. 293, 296
Markwick, B. 294
Mary the colour scientist 26–8, 29, 149
Marzi, C.A. 269
masking 38, 58, 276, 278
materialisation 290
materialism 8–11, 27, 60, 119, 129, 355, 364, 367
eliminative 25, 46, 159, 169, 226, 290–1, 324
Maury, A. 313, 345
McCarthy, J. 214
McCartney, P. 272
McGinn, C. 32, 206, 215, 380
MDMA 327–8
Mead, G.H. 159
medial lemniscus 58–9
meditation 310, 312, 325, 326, 375, 378, 382, 385–500, 407
concentrative 389, 390–2
mindfulness 322, 352, 385–400, 404, 410, 411
open v closed 389
Transcendental 386, 391, 392, 396–7
mediumship 102, 132–3, 256, 289–91, 357
Meijer, P. 267
Meltzhoff, A.N. 174
meme 2, 101, 120, 144, 162–5, 176, 203, 211, 286, 366
religious 402
meme machine 163, 220, 286–7
memeplex 162, 176, 218–20, 223–41
definition of 162
memory 15, 18, 257–60, 343, 359
false 305–6
episodic 258–9, 330, 334
in ASC 311, 324–6
long-term 49, 258
semantic 330, 334
short-term 53, 73, 74, 246–7, 248, 252, 253, 258, 325, 333–4
transsaccadic 87–8
Mendel, G. 144
Mercier, C. 19
Merikle, P.M. (Profile 19, p 276) 276-9
Merleau-Ponty, M. 375
mescaline 310, 316–17, 332, 334–5, 356
Mesmerism 291
meta-analysis 298–300
metachoric experience 348
metal bending 298, 302
Metzinger, T. 243, 248, 251, 373
Metzner, R. 336
microconsciousnesses 248
microtubules 33, 36, 208–10, 217, 230
MILD (mnemonic induction of lucid dreaming) 351, 352
Miller, G.A. 118
Milner, A.D. 41–3, 60, 268, 270
mind 7
definition of 13
-stuff 14, 20, 152
mind-body problem 7, 19, 22, 244, 291
mindfulness 44, 322, 352, 385–400, 404, 410, 411
Minksy, M. 190
self-recognition 170–2
in treatment of phantoms 239
Mitchison, G. 343
Mithen, S. 157–8
mnemonist 250
modules 147, 157
moment of awareness 40–1, 128
monism 9, 11, 96, 129, 330, 367–8
monoamine oxidase (MAO) 318
monoamine oxidase inhibitor 318, 329
Monroe, M. 82–3
Moody, R.A. 360–1
Moody, T.C. 29
Moore’s law 187
Morland, A.B. 268
morphine 329
Morse, M. 361, 364
motor cortex 134, 221, 229, 340
movement 244–9
perception of 268
movie-in-the-brain 80, 116, 231, 236
Muller-Lyer illusion 306
multiple consciousnesses 248
multiple drafts 63, 74-7, 255–6
multiple personality 97–102, 120, 248, 346
multisensory integration 243, 249–51
Myers, F.W.H. 162, 291
myoclonic jerk 347
mysterianism 19, 32, 215, 226, 379
consciousness as 8, 18, 144, 151, 209–10, 226–7, 232, 236
mystical experience 330, 345, 354, 356, 360, 365–8, 366–8, 399
Nagel, T. 22–3, 32, 166, 373, 379-80
narcolepsy 314–15
narcotics 329
natural selection 11, 23, 140, 141, 144, 148, 150, 154, 158, 160–1
Neanderthals 157
near-death experience (NDE) 2, 256, 310, 331, 360–5, 368, 396, 410
necessary and sufficient conditions
for consciousness 228-9, 230, 236, 239, 240, 252
for dreaming 343
Neckar cube 233
neglect 260–3
hemifield 260–3
unilateral 261
neo-dissociation theory of hypnosis 101, 256, 341, 346
neural correlates of consciousness (NCC) 43, 74, 80-1, 129, 227–41, 231–6, 246, 342, 378
as easy problem 32-3
neural Darwinism 161
neural nets 219
neuronal adequacy 58–60, 73
neuronal group selection 161, 251
neuronal synchrony 247
neurophenomenology 377–80
Newberg, A. 399
Newton, I. 273
nicotinic acid 367
nirvana 403, 404, 413
nitrous oxide 229–30, 329
N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors 230
Noe, A. 91, 191, 240
noetic quality 366–7
function 206–7
truth 207
nonduality 389
nonlocality 33, 60, 210
noradrenaline 329, 332, 334, 340, 341
no-self (annatta) 95, 407, 411-3
O’Hara, K. 34
O’Regan, J.K. 91, 191, 240
observational theories of PK 298
observer 344–6
omega point 143
opiates 365
opium 14, 329
orangutan 170, 177
Ornstein, R.E. 190
Orwellian v. Stalinesque revision 61, 62
oscillations 33, 246–7
40-Hertz 74, 246, 247
gamma 246–7
ouija board 135–6
out-of-body experience 2, 256, 314, 322, 327, 331, 350, 355–62, 368, 382
Pahnke, W.N. 367
pain 12, 236–41, 329, 344–6, 373, 379, 410
anatomy of 125, 236-8, 365
in animals 166, 169, 239
function of 47, 148-9, 156-7
in meditation 387, 389, 410
Paley, W. 139–41
Palladino, E. 290
panadaptationism 145
panpsychism 11, 33, 153, 249
parallel processing 67, 74, 165, 187
paralysis 260
denial of 260-1
sleep 312, 327, 365
parapsychology 2, 289–303, 322, 350
Parfit, D. 95, 107–8, 109, 118, 121, 412
parietal cortex 55, 235, 245, 399
Parnia, S. 362
Pascal, B. 182
Pashler, H. 53
Paulignan, Y. 38–40
Pavlov, I. 17
Peirce, C.S. 274
Penfield, W. 360
Penrose, R. 33, 60, 207, 217, 230
Perky, C.W. 305
perplexity 1, 280, 393, 414
Persinger, M.A. 360
persistent vegetative state 228
personality 94, 98, 100
peyote 310, 316–17, 332, 334
phantom limbs 237–9
consciousness 24, 48, 73, 216, 248, 269-70
Holon 243, 251
stance 212
phenomenality 24
phenomenology 15, 16, 25, 33, 35, 76, 375
(see also neurophenomenology, heterophenomenology)
phenotype 143
phi phenomenon 62
phlogiston 159
physicalism 27
pineal gland 12–13, 45, 80, 232
Pinker, S. 32, 146–7, 178, 219, 373
Plato 64, 95, 361
pontifical neuron 66–7, 119, 232, 249
Ponzo illusion 306
pop-out 56, 83, 85-6, 251, 255
Popper, K.R. 13, 46, 60, 96, 244
positron emission tomography (PET) 228, 237, 265, 268, 278, 340
Povinelli, D.J. 172, 174
precognition 292–3, 300, 355
precognitive carousel 134
prefrontal cortex 46, 116, 125, 126, 235, 340
prelucid dream 348, 349
Premack, D. 173
premonition 295
premotor cortex 125
primary consciousness 252
priming 276, 278
Prince, M. 99–100, 102, 344
Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Laboratory (PEAR) 299
prosody 213–14
psi 292–3, 295, 302
psi missing 295
psi-conducive state 297, 298
psilocybin 311, 317, 332, 334, 336, 356, 367
psychedelics 326, 331–7, 356
psychic phenomena 98, 288–303, 289, 291
psychical research 289–303, 350, 356, 358, 361
psychoactive drugs 326–37
psychoanalysis 15, 100, 260, 343, 359
psychokinesis (PK) 2, 292–3, 300, 358
micro-PK 298, 300
observational theories of 298
retro-PK 299
psychon 46
psychonaut 306
psychophysics 15, 16
psychotherapy 328, 406, 407
Puthoff, H. 292, 296
Qi energy 387
quale (plural qualia) 25–6, 48, 116, 236, 264–7, 373-5, 383
in blindsight 264-7, 269
colour 27, 70, 84-5, 149, 156, 236, 266
definition of 25
and hard problem 34, 37, 264, 374
in machines 197
pain 238, 373
in zombies 28, 48, 149
coherence 33, 36, 208–10, 217, 230
consciousness 206–10
effects in parapsychology 298-300
theory 33, 60, 207, 300, 379, 396
Quine, W.V. 374
Radin, D.I. 289
Rahula, W. 413
Ramachandran, V.S. (Profile 6, p 84) 43, 83–6, 115–16, 236, 238–9, 251
random number generator (RNG) 293, 299, 300
randomisation 293–4
reaction time 40
readiness potential 127–3, 228
reading 85–6, 163, 333
reality discrimination 305–6
reality monitoring 305, 308
reductionism 20, 73, 109, 237, 379, 396
reentry 161–2, 251–3, 342
Reid, T. 96–7
relaxation 333, 356, 392–3
in meditation 325, 326, 386, 399
progressive 322
religion 162, 164, 402
religious experience 354, 360, 366, 370
remembered present 252
remote viewing 292–7
Rensink, R.A. 88, 91
replicator 144, 162–3
representational theories 47, 80-1, 87-92, 185, 230-1, 240
res cogitans 12, 182
res extensa 12
reticular formation 228, 339
retina 50, 70, 80, 82, 221, 264, 310
retro-PK 299
retro-selective theory of dreams 347
Revonsuo, A. 248, 342
Rhine, J.B. (profile 20, p 292) 291-4
Rhine, L.E. 291
Riddoch, G. 268
Ring, K. 360, 362–3
ritual 315–16, 326, 334, 397
Rizzolatti, G. 56
robot 48, 198–205, 212–16, 219
behaviour based 189, 205, 212
knowledge based 189
situated 189, 202
Rock, I. 88
Romanes, G. 175
Rosch, E. 403, 406
rubber hand 240
Ryle, G. 13, 66, 119
saccade 38, 55, 87–92, 265, 352
Sacks, O. 258–61
samsara 403, 406, 413
Sartre, J-P 86
scans 278, 322, 339, 378, 383
Schank, R. 204
schizophrenia 134, 307–8, 329
scotoma (plural scotomata) 85
Scutt, T. 34
séance 133, 289
Searle, J. (Profile 14, p. 198), 344, 373, 377, 380
animal consciousness 167-8
artificial intelligence 185, 190, 193, 214–16
biological naturalism 198, 202
Chinese room 204–7
machine consciousness 197-8, 202, 214–16
zombies 29
self 12, 95–137, 252–3, 363, 413
as if 120
autobiographical 116, 172, 260
consciousness 159, 167, 170–2, 176, 216
core 116, 260
empirical 112
illusion of 160, 165, 223, 365, 368, 402, 410, 413
in dreams 343, 345, 349, 353
loss of 259, 284, 319, 334, 336, 366, 391, 399, 407-8
pain and 238-40
proto- 116, 260
recognition 170–3
social 113
spiritual 113
subconscious 100
system (in GWT) 48, 72, 73, 117
transformation of 355, 365, 405-8, 414
selfish gene 144–5
replicator 165
selfplex 162, 165, 218, 220, 224
sensorimotor theory 91, 191, 240, 255, 267
sensory deprivation 309
sensory substitution 266–7, 269
separate reality 317
serial processing 165, 187
serotonin 327, 329, 332, 334, 340, 341
SESMETS 118–19
Seyfarth, R. 173–4
Shackleton, B. 293, 294
shaman 315–16
Shannon, C. 184
sheep-goat effect 295
Shelley, M. 183
Shepard, R.N. 68
Sherrington, C. 244
short-term memory 53, 73, 74, 246–7, 248, 252, 253, 258, 325, 333–4
Showalter, E. 101
siddhis 396–7
Sidis, B. 275
Siegel, R.K. (Profile 21, p 306) 307, 309, 311, 316
signal detection theory 265, 275
Simons, D.J. 89–91
Singer, W. 247
single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) 399
Sizemore, C. 100
Skinner, B. F. 17
Slade, P.D. 307
sleep 338–53
borders of 313–15, 347, 398
cycle 209, 339
deprivation 308
microsleeps 398
REM 339–43
non-REM 339–43
paralysis 2, 312–15, 327, 365
snake 166, 178, 250, 262, 318
Soal, S.G. 293, 294
social skills 284
socio-biology 146
cortex 57–8, 237, 238-9
homunculus 238
soul 5, 74, 80, 160, 361, 365
Descartes 166, 232
and ego theory 98
and free will 132
James 113–14, 152
religious belief in 14, 32, 113–14, 148, 200, 355, 357–8
soundscapes 267
source amnesia 273
source monitoring 306
specious present 52, 378
Spence, S.A. 126
Spencer, H. 19
Sperry, R.W. 103, 104, 106–7, 129
spinal cord 58, 237, 238–9
spirit 5, 95, 98, 132–3, 135, 200, 289, 302, 315, 355, 357–8, 365
spiritual force 54, 124
spiritualism 102, 132, 289–91
spirituality 302, 362
brain 103–8, 249, 251
personality 98
spotlight of attention 48, 51, 73, 74, 117
spying 297
Stace, W.T. 366
Stalinesque v. Orwellian revision 61, 62
Stanford Research Institute 296
Stargate 296
state of consciousness (SoC) 326, 330, 370
discrete 326, 327, 342
(see also altered state of consciousness ASC)
state-specific science 322, 329
Steels, L. 219
Stevenson, R.L. 98
stimulants 326–7
Stoerig, P. 265, 269
Strawson, G. 118
stream of consciousness 3, 63, 118, 370, 383
as illusion 217, 255, 411
and self 104, 106, 108, 113, 115, 243
as show in CT 65,
in multiple drafts theory 75-6
in split brain 104, 106, 108,
origin of term 14, 52, 74, 344
stream of vision 79-80, 90, 92
stress 364, 386, 392–5
Stroop effect 276
subconscious self 100
subjective antedating 60
subjective referral 57-61
subjectivity 2, 19, 22–6, 32–5, 47, 73–7, 132, 159–60, 198, 248, 253
subliminal perception 273–8, 279, 283
subsumption architecture 190, 213
succubus (plural succubi) 314–15
suchness 334, 385
suffering 5, 201, 402, 403, 410
animal 169–70, 177
Sufism 386
suicide 362
super blindsight 266-70
superior colliculus 55–6, 63, 244, 250, 265
supplementary motor area (SMA) 125, 128
survival of death 102, 362–5
sutra 402
Suzuki, D.T. 366
Swiss Army knife 147, 157–8
symbol grounding 206
synaesthesia 250–6, 276, 310, 330, 333
synapse 13, 32, 186–8, 230–1, 244, 329
Szilard, L. 272
table turning 133, 289, 298
Tallon-Baudry, C. 247
Targ, R. 292, 296
Tart, C.T. (Profile 22, p 322), 323, 324, 326–7, 330, 333, 342, 344–5, 359
Teilhard de Chardin, P. 143
telekinesis 292, 300
telepathy 291–4, 300, 355
teletransporter 111, 117
temporal lobe 232, 315, 360–1, 365
thalamus 58, 70, 74, 117, 229, 237, 239, 246, 252, 258, 342
theatre 33, 48, 64–77, 116, 117
Cartesian 65–77, 109, 113, 119, 132, 213, 217, 240, 249, 261, 264, 270, 279, 344, 347
Theosophy 357
therapy 405–7
thermostat 214–16
theta rhythm 398
thinking 196
methods 371–84
perspective 49
science 371–84
view 314
Thompson, E. 403
thought experiments 26, 30, 108, 110–12, 182, 186, 221
(see also Mary, zombies, teletransporter)
thought transference 291, 296
threshold 275-9
objective v. subjective 276
tickling 130
time 61, 67, 355, 378
as illusory 406, 410
time perception 325, 333, 356
timing of consciousness 57–63, 128–32, 208–10, 378
Titchener illusion 42
Titchener, E. 16, 370
Tononi, G. 162, 217, 251, 342
tower of generate and test 161, 163
trance logic 345
tranquillisers 328–9
Transcendental Meditation (TM) 386, 391, 392, 396–7
transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) 130-1, 229, 315, 360
travelling clairvoyance 356–7
Treisman, A. 245
tunnel 310–13, 356, 360–1, 365
Turing, A. (Profile 13, p. 184) 192–6, 200–4, 207, 294
machine 184–5, 187,
test 192–8, 205–7, 217
Turk, mechanical 183, 192–4
Tyndall, J. 19
unconscious 15, 60, 228
collective 310
driving 44, 70–6
inference 15
muscular action (UMA) 133, 135
perception 274–86
processing 15, 60, 228
Underhill, E. (Profile 24, p 364), 367–8
unilateral neglect 261
experience of 366-7
of consciousness 114-5, 162, 208-9, 242–56, 270, 330, 342, 396
as illusion 244, 254–61
of self 94, 98–107, 112–22, 208, 210, 243, 366–7
of universe 396
Universal Darwinism 144, 160–3
Utts, J. 297
van de Castle, R.L. 340
van Eeden, F. 349
van Lommel, P. 362
Varela, F.J. (Profile 25, p 378) 377–80, 402
Vedic flying 396–7
Velmans, M. 37, 48, 237, 380
ventral pathway 235
ventral stream 41–3, 60, 244, 268–9
veto 129–30
virtual representation 91
virus 101
email 164
religion as 144, 164
binding 33, 73-4, 251
cortex 9, 24, 70, 234, 242, 244, 246–7, 263–5, 310
illusion 15, 42, 306
visuomotor control 38–43, 44, 246, 269, 270
vital spirit 7–8
vitalism 34, 201
volition 14, 45, 125-137, 413 (see also agency, free will, will)
and attention 54
as cause 37, 54
Descartes and 37
in dreams 341
von der Malsburg, C. 246
von Helmholtz, H. 15, 56
von Kempelen, W. 183
von Leibniz, G. 182
Wagstaff, G. 345
Walter, W. Grey 134, 190, 212
Warrington, E. 263
Watson, J. B. 16–18
Watt, J. 272, 286
wave function 300
Weber, E. 15
Wegner, D.M. (Profile 9, p. 134) 134-6
Weir-Mitchell, S. 238
Weiskrantz, L. 259, 262–9
Weismann, A. 143
Wenger, M. 398
Wernicke, C. 66–7, 252
West, M.A. 308
whales 171, 175
White, R.A. 354
Wigner, E. 208
Wilberforce, S. 142
will 43, 54, 124, 132-7, 345, 366
experience of 132
in multiple personality 102, 106
(see also free will)
Williams, G.C. 145–6
Wilson, E.O. 146
Wittgenstein, L. 154
Woodruff, G. 173
working memory 72, 116, 245, 330
as memory 91
as own model 191
worldwide web 223
Worsley, A. 350, 352
Wren-Lewis, J. 409, 410
Wundt, W.M. 16, 52, 61, 370
“X” 215–17
Yamdoots 365
Yanomamö 315–16
yoga 44, 391, 396
zazen 389, 390, 398
Zeki, S. 248–9
Zen 2, 209, 330, 366, 368, 388, 390, 392, 397–400
Zener, K. 292
zimbo 30–2, 150–1, 159
zombic hunch 374
zombie 28–31, 34, 48, 158, 199, 264, 267, 269, 375, 383
dorsal stream as 43
earth 29–31
impossibility of 31, 149–51
in NDE 362
partial 264
split brain as 106
twin 29, 150